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Polkadot is built on top of Substrate, a modular framework for blockchains. One feature of Substrate is to allow for connection to different networks using a single executable and configuring it with a start-up flag. Here are some of the networks associated with Polkadot or Substrate that you may want to connect to and join.

Main networks​

To connect to a Polkadot network please follow the instructions for installing the Polkadot executable.

Polkadot Mainnet​

Connecting to the Polkadot network is the default option when starting a node.

To start a Polkadot node, run the Polkadot binary:


and you will connect and start syncing to Polkadot.

Check your node is connected by viewing it on Telemetry (you can set a custom node name by specifying --name "my-custom-node-name")

Kusama Canary Network​

Kusama is a canary network and holds real economic value.

Run the Polkadot binary and specify kusama as the chain:

polkadot --chain=kusama

and you will connect and start syncing to Kusama.

Check your node is connected by viewing it on Kusama Telemetry (you can set a custom node name by specifying --name "my-custom-node-name")

Test Networks​

Westend Test Network​

Westend is the primary test network of Polkadot. The tokens on this network are called Westies (WND) and they purposefully hold no economic value.

Run the Polkadot binary and specify westend as the chain:

polkadot --chain=westend

and you will connect and start syncing to Westend.

Check that your node is connected by viewing it on Westend Telemetry (you can set a custom node name by specifying --name "my-custom-node-name").

Westend Faucet​

Follow the instruction here to get Westies (WND) tokens.

Westend Asset Hub​

The Westend Asset Hub is a system parachain on Westend network.

Westend Asset Hub Faucet​

Claim WND tokens from the faucet on Westend and teleport them to Westend Asset Hub.

Rococo Test Network​

Rococo used to be a Polkadot test network for parachains. The network was shut down following its replacement by Paseo.

Paseo Test Network​

Paseo is a test network built for parachains. The native token of this network (PAS) holds no economic value.

Paseo Faucet​

Follow the instruction here to get PAS tokens.

Wococo Test Network (inactive)​

Wococo used to be a Polkadot test network for testing bridges. The network was shut down following the bridge between Westend and Rococo deployment.


Runtime differences (e.g. existential and multisignature deposit sizes) between the different networks can be found by doing a diff between the src/ of the repositories. For example, to compare the Polkadot and Kusama runtimes:

  • git clone && cd runtimes/relay
  • ls - show the available runtimes
  • diff polkadot/src/ kusama/src/

You can also paste the runtimes (Polkadot, Kusama) into a web-based diff tool like Diffchecker if you're not comfortable with the CLI.

Telemetry Dashboard​

If you connect to the public networks, the default configuration for your node will connect it to the public Telemetry service.

You can verify that your node is connected by navigating to the correct network on the dashboard and finding the name of your node.

There is a built-in search function on the nodes page. Simply start typing keystrokes in the main window to make it available.